Meeting Minutes Formatting Second Brainstorm

April 10th, 2024





  1. Absentees
  2. Suggestions from last meeting
  3. Newly proposed ideas
  4. Creating a template
  5. Example template
  6. Comments, questions, concerns

Old Business

We addressed concerns about Ethan having yet to attend a single meeting. Effective immediately, Ethan was removed from the team. Felix was in danger of being removed as well, but no action was taken since he attended today's meeting.
We also went over the meeting minutes formatting suggestions we failed to discuss in our last meeting due to running out of time. We will be implementing the suggestion to add a list of absentees in addition to the list of attendees.

New Business

A few new formatting ideas were suggested. Bob suggested a meeting summary, which we will be implementing. Felix proposed that we remove the attendance section, which of course was promptly shut down. David proposed that we start recording each meeting and including the recording in the meeting minutes, which we will also be implementing.
We also discussed how we would go about creating a more polished, stylized template for our meeting minutes so that it would look nicer and more organized. We ultimately decided that we won't be creating anything like that at the moment, since the company isn't allowing us to use CSS or JavaScript until future weeks.

An example meeting minutes template Bob presented as what we should strive for:

Stylized meeting minutes template

Bob presented this example because it's organized, simple, and effective.

Comments, Questions, Concerns

Felix expressed his concern that our attendance policy was too strict. We will consider his concern in future meetings.